Do you remember the movie “Pay It Forward”? The film is about a boy in the seventh grade named Trevor McKinney, played by actor Haley Joel Osment. He took a discussion in socialstudies class seriously. The assignment was to think of an idea to change the world and put it into action. Trevor thought about it and came up with a plan. He would perform three “random acts of kindness” expecting nothing in return. The only thing he would ask of each person he helped was for them to do something nice for someone else. In other words, “Pay It Forward”. Over time his acts of random kindness could change the world.

Because God loves us, we want to love you. He has blessed us and we want to bless you. We encourage you to take a moment and do something nice for someone else during this Christmas season expecting nothing in return. “Pay It Forward” because it really is a bigger blessing to give than to receive.

Think about it, if the estimated 12,000 people will ride our train this year did just one nice thing for someone else in the area, then a positive impact will be made in Hopkins County and other surrounding counties as well. Love someone else as a birthday gift to Jesus because He really loves you.